Monday, June 29, 2009

Flower beds look awesome

Cody and I went to Lowe's Sunday, after the rain stopped, and bought about six flowering bushes and three flats of flowers. I can't believe that after living in the house for about 3 years that I finally have completed flower beds. They look so good! I can't wait for the flowers to bloom. Pulling weeds was worth it to finally have my beds finished.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Ok so yesterday I gathered all my courage and tackled the weeds in my front flower beds. Let me just say that this took a lot of courage as there was a lot of weeds! Lets just say it took me 3 and 1/2 hours to get all the weeds out. My thumbs and forefingers are so sore, even today. But the good new is that today Cody is buying my some plants and flowers to spruce up the flower beds. At least all my hard work gets paid off.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Aubrie Lost Her Tooth

Yea!! Aubrie finally lost her tooth. Guess I should have written that blog a week ago so she could lose it faster. She woke up this morning at Mamaw's and went to the bathroom and gave her tooth a good twist. She said it came out and starting bleeding but "I didn't cry Mommy". she was so excited that she had to call me asap and wake me up. It is now snug under her pillow waiting on the "Tooth Fairy". I can't wait to see her in the morning when she wakes up and her tooth is gone and money is there instead. What is the going rate for teeth these days?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

First Loose Tooth

This video is Aubrie showing everyone her first loose tooth. Don't know if you can see it, but she already has another tooth coming in behind the loose tooth. We keep telling her that she needs to keep moving the tooth so it will fall out. The tooth is being held on by one stubborn root. Aubrie is wsnting the tooth fairy to visit so she can get money. I'll let you know when the tooth finally falls out.

Creative Daughter

I'm sitting here right now watching my daughter wrap her father's day presents. We decided to update the family pictures in the office for Cody; he's been suggesting this to me for about a year now. For those of you who don't know very well, I'm awful at keeping pictures updated.

So I digress....Aubrie has been spending the last hour wrapping each picture frame with tissue paper. She is using three different colored tissue paper for wrapping. After wrapping she is cutting up strips and adding it to the package.

According to the 5-year old mind, "Mommy we had a LOT of stuff for Daddy." I believe we have six picture frames, but when it takes you an hour to wrap them, I guess it does seem like a lot. However, I do hope Cody doesn't mind scrapping off tape, Aubrie has used almost a whole tape dispenser.

Aubrie now can't wait to give her Daddy the presents. She just went to ask him if he wants his presents tonight or tomorrow. Guess I need to go and hear his answer.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'm Jealous

I went to lunch with Cody today and while eating i asked him what he wanted for Father's Day. He didn't let me down with his response, "I don't care, whatever." So I told him that I remembered he wanted an iTouch or an iPhone and with the prices of the iPhone going down I could buy him one for Father's day. He agreed that that would be a wonderful present, so after lunch I went and check it out our AT&T store. Sure enough it was a great deal and I bought the phone, hard-case, and a 2-year warranty (we all know how hard Cody is on phones). So now Ms. Technology is jealous because that is the coolest phone in my mind and three family members have it before me. But that's okay, I do have an iTouch. So know I'm thinking "how much would the pawn shop buy my iPod for or how much can I get for it on eBay". I know, I know - awfully of me, but I can't help it. So until I get my own I will play with Cody's and teach him all it can do.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We HATE American Airlines!!!

Headed back home!! Everything in Puerto Vallarta went great! However, American Airlines screwed us over again. The actual flight home was good, no problems; made it through customs, ate at Chili's in the DFW airport, and all flights were on time. The problem started once we arrived at Lubbock airport. We were waiting by the luggage carosel and when it stopped moving we wondered where our red swiss army bag was. The problem with us losing this bag is that it carried the keys to the suburban in it -- yes we drove the suburban to the airport as our ride. Cody is normally pretty good about getting the keys and putting them either in his pocket or my purse, but not on Tuesday!! After discussing it with the AA agent I was informed that it should be on the last flight and it will be delivered to my house. We than called Ashlea to go get the spare set of keys and bring them to us at the airport. This is twice that she has saved us!!!!! However, she also brought bad news with her - our AC wasn't working. After receiving the keys we all decided we were tired and wanted to go home instead of out to eat. We had to stop on the way home and pick up a fuse for the AC and than went home to fix the AC. At 10:30pm an AA agent from DFW called and told us they had found our luggage in DFW and didn't know why it didn't make it on a plane. They wanted to know if we had filled out a missing luggage form! Let me just say that Cody and I gave the custom agents our bags together at DFW!!!! Not really sure how they could lose 1 bag!!! So anyway my should be here today sometime around 2 or later. To make a long story short we got home with dirty clothes and alcohol, but no clean clothes or car keys - Just out luck!

Snorkeling Marietas Island

OK - so Monday we decided to go snorkeling. I don't think we thought this trip completely out. To start off with we had to be at the Vallarta adventure office by 8am (this was our last full day in Puerto Vallarta). Than on the way over to the island on the boat Meredith got a little queasy. She also than choose to inform us that she didn't like fish and didn't want any close to her - she ended up watching us from one of the kayaks. The water was foggy and had a lot of little debris floating around in it, than Cody got sting by a jellyfish on his back and arm - by this point I was to happy about the snorkeling. After snorkeling was done we decided to stay on the boat while others took a tender to a beach on the island. While waiting myself and another woman decided to take one of the kayaks out, best descision on the day. While out we saw a group of 6 dolphins and were able to get within 15 feet of them; I have to say this was pretty awesome. Than back on the boat we saw a mantea ray near the second island, and two leatherback turtles (a rare sight for anyone in Puerto Vallarta) making out in the ocean. As soon as we got to the hotel we went straight for the pool and drinks!!!! I'll put some pictures up about this trip as soon as Meredith gets me the pictures.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Canopy Tour

Hi Everyone!!!
Saturday we went on a Canopy Tour. What is a canopy tour? So glad you asked, it consist of zip lines and repealing in the Sierra Madre mountains. Our tour started out at 3:00, but before we got there by taxi, Meredith had to stop and buy some tennis shoes, the rest of us had brought some. Luckily the taxi driver was GREAT and helped Meredith out. He took us to the Mega Store which is like a Wal-mart. He also made Meredith feel better because he was really nice and spoke pretty good english.
So, about the trip - It started by a zodiak boat ride to the south of Puerto Vallarta, the zodiak is the type of boats that the SEALS use. After that we boarded a 4x4 truck (Cody said these are called Unilogs). After we got to the tour place we were breifed on how to zipline properly. We than were introduced to our mules and took a 25 minute ride up the mountian. After a short hike we were ready to try our first zip line. The company decided I was a little top heavy and gave me a chest harness so I didn't lean back too far, everyone else was doing great. After a couple of ziplines we learned how to repell and did our first repell down a small waterfall. we did a few more ziplines and than did a freefall repell; I beat Cody at this. We than finished with out a couples zipline; yes, Cody beat me at this one. We had a wonderful time and would reccomend it to anyone!! Here our some pictures from the trip.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Chaos at the Airport

Let me start by saying we ( Meredith, Brian, Cody, and I) were all ready to leave Lubbock to travel to Puerto Vallarta, however Lubbock was not readly for us to leave. Brian was late because one his work trucks broke down, than one of his workers called to say he was rear-ended in the other work truck. Cody, Meredith, and I took care of that problem while Brian finished errands and getting ready. Once to the airport we notice the only line belonged to American Airlines. Guess which airline we had no choice in taking? Yep, American Airline!!! While standing in line, we found out that are plane to DFW had been delayed; a few before had been cancelled due to weather in DFW. After finding out that information when than checked on are flight from DFW to Puerto Vallarta; it was cancelled. we decided that we didn't care how we got to Puerto Vallarta, but we were leaving for DFW right away. After talking to the other airlines we found a flight out of Altlanta to Puerto Vallarta. Once we got through security (after waiting in line for 1 1/2 hours) we started trying to find a flight from DFW to Atlanta - no luck. We had talked to American and the next flight going to Puerto Vallarta was Saturday evening - this was thursday evening. We continued on to DFW and while flying Ashlea found us a flight on Mexicana leaving in the morning. Ashlea you ROCK!!!! Once at DFW we got our money back for the Atlanta flight, booked a flight through Mexicana air, and made American give us a discounted rate at a hotel. We finnally made it to the hotel at about 9:30. Becky and Kyle than meet us and took us to dinner at Saltgrass, it was so yummy! Thanks Beck and Kyle.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Let's Start Blogging!!

Hi Everyone!!

I have decided to create a blog to keep family updated on the AppleBaker family. I have been wanting to set this up for a while now, so why now? Well right now I am attending a technology conference and am sitting in a session that is teaching me all about blogs. Thought this would be a great way to share the going-ons of our family to the rest of the Applegath and Baker families. I will upload some pictures soon. I am also going to try this while in Mexico - so wish me luck!!!