Headed back home!! Everything in
Puerto Vallarta went great! However, American Airlines screwed us over again. The actual flight home was good, no problems; made it through customs, ate at Chili's in the
DFW airport, and all flights were on time. The problem started once we arrived at Lubbock airport. We were waiting by the luggage
carosel and when it stopped moving we wondered where our red
swiss army bag was. The problem with us losing this bag is that it carried the keys to the suburban in it -- yes we drove the suburban to the airport as our ride. Cody is normally pretty good about getting the keys and putting them either in his pocket or my purse, but not on Tuesday!! After discussing it with the AA agent I was informed that it should be on the last flight and it will be delivered to my house. We than called
Ashlea to go get the spare set of keys and bring them to us at the airport. This is twice that she has saved us!!!!! However, she also brought bad news with her - our AC wasn't working. After
receiving the keys we all decided we were tired and wanted to go home instead of out
to eat. We had to stop on the way home and pick up a fuse for the AC and than went home to fix the AC. At 10:30pm an AA agent from
DFW called and told us they had found our luggage in
DFW and didn't know why it didn't make it on a plane. They wanted to know if we had filled out a missing luggage form! Let me just say that Cody and I gave the custom agents our bags together at
DFW!!!! Not really sure how they could lose 1 bag!!! So anyway my should be here today sometime around 2 or later. To make a long story short we got home with dirty clothes and alcohol, but no clean clothes or car keys - Just out luck!